
Friday, 31 May 2013

Sellotape song from Mathew Edwards!!

Matthew Edwards I've been drinking in the Belvedere for fifty years or more,
But such a motley crew as this I've never heard before;
O indeed I haven't,
Don't you know I haven't?
To my ri falooral addie, 
O indeed I haven't!

They were resurrecting folk songs that were dead for many years,
They were boozing and carousing, and supping up strange beers. 
O indeed they were,
Don't you know they were?
To my ri falooral addie,
O indeed they were.

Now if I had some sellotape, I would stick them to the wall,
And cover up their cakeholes so they couldn't sing at all;
O indeed I would,
Don't you know I would?
To my ri falooral addie,
O indeed I would.

Sure but when they come unstuck again, they'll call loudly for more beers,
And they'll be fathoming the bowl for another fifty years;
O indeed they will,
Don't you know they will?
To my ri falooral addie,
Yes indeed they will.

Great stuff Mathew------ got to sing it now!!!!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Belvedere session assailed!!

Another good afternoon at the Belvedere! Quite a lot of humour and a visit from an outraged gentleman who was rather discommoded because he clearly regarded us as the usurpers on his territory . After upbraiding Fred , he proceeded to inform us that he had been "drinking in this pub for 50 years" !!! and then retreated to the bar--- for another 50 year stint perhaps??
It was alleged that he "Bound musical instruments in sellotape" seemingly to prevent them being played??? (This is getting very strange now) So Jim and I played a little set that I largely made up as I went along and called it the "Sellotape hornpipe" ---Well--it amused me anyway!!--- Gary declared that the name would stick ! ----- Colin logged it as "Tunes" with a wry grin :-)
 I still like the comment branding the session as "The graveyard of English folk" Quite an accolade methinks!! Although I have only been attending for a few months (49 yrs. to go) I am happy to announce the one year anniversary of the inception of this "charnel house" of folk music where I have been fortunate enough to have met some of the nicest zombies stiffs and ghouls on the folk circuit!

The Elderflower beer from Liverpool organic was a lovely refreshing libation and I would have drank more if I hadn't been laughing so much!!!

Ferrier magic!

She had a voice to make your hair rise! She sang many "Folk" songs but her perfect enunciation and timing was deemed less attractive in the folk idiom.
She went  far too soon and had a lot more to offer but what she left us is a treasure trove !
Heres "The Keel Row"

Monday, 27 May 2013


Great stuff!! Beer has triumphed over "Mamon" for the first time in history! The celebrations look to have been great and I am sorry to have missed them but good luck to all concerned and the well orchestrated campaign that saved this great waterhole .
 The army of dissenters should be knitted together as a mobile force against an further attempts to rob us of our heritage and beer , We have already lost too much !

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Belvedere session

Another great session on the 16th! Lovely harmony from Helen and Jane and some good stuff from Fred whom we have missed for a few weeks! Jim and I worked out a few instrumentals with guitar and mandolin which have potential and which I really enjoyed!!
The parking problem is a bit of a bugger as all hands have to rush in at the stroke of two and rush off on the stroke of four to elude the predatory wardens who seek to fill the councils coffers at the expense of the poor harassed citizen!
We got along fine without two Mayors all these years , now if the council is short of money dis-establish the latest new post and save all the cash required to keep this appointee and the burgeoning entourage that is developing! That or another of the legion of parasitic panjandrums that we seem to be keeping!

Why do we need highly paid consultants??? The council , after all these hundreds of years don't seem to have got the hang of it even yet!!

Anyway , It looks like the "Caledonia" issue has been passed by the holding company to the prospective purchaser sold as a going concern but apparently without commitment to its current status so the decision is now to be made by the developing company , I am told .
Remember people , "BEER BEFORE MAMMON" !!!!! The "developers" tried to murder the city in the '60s Don't let them start again!!!
In the final analysis-------You cant eat money!!!!!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

The Belvedere session.

This continues to provide a nice venue for singers and players to spend a couple of hours joining in an informal sing/play around with some well researched songs on the menu from the singers present.
Good beers as always and a good selection too , Liverpool organic's Pale was the star of the show with its nice hoppy flavour and a back of the palate bitter twist in the tail !
Colin Batho is publishing a list of songs and singers at each session now and its on his facebook page , well worth checking out! Seldom the same song heard twice . Sometimes a similar song or different version !
There's always a ready prompt for those who "Dry up" It happens to us all sometimes ;-)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Helen Mirren.

It is reported that Helen was playing the queen in the Geilgud when the performance was compromised by the appearance of a  drum band giving it plenty outside . The feisty Dame did no less than (still in character as her majesty) bound down the stairs and allegedly tell the alleged offenders to "shut the 'f up and 'f off ! " Was she right or was she overstepping it?? Who knows but I would have loved to see it!!!

A bit of order there people!!

Monday, 6 May 2013

Baltic Fleet session

Another good session in the Baltic on Saturday night , Would have been more enjoyable if the crowd had given a bit of order to the performers! The musicians create the atmosphere that brings them in but the noise detracts from the enjoyment , ah well!
The last half hour brought an impromptu jam session with all players joining in with a few jigs reels and hornpipes , Great stuff! loved it!!!
Perhaps a bank of 60 watt Marshalls would solve the problem??????????