I'll sing you a song of the fish of the sea
and the fish on the fishmongers slab
theres a cod and a sole . a hake and a plaice
and a big yellow long legged crab.
Then a fellow came in and he purchesd the sole
and carried it home for his tea
the horrified cod looked across at the hake
said the hake this is no plaice for me.
The crab he looked up from his basket of ice
and he shuddered and said its no fun
as he looked at the parsley and lemon and salt
and some mayo spread out on a bun.
A fight had broke out in the filleting room
twas a quite viscious brawl and a tussle
till an amorous squid for the door made a bid
but he stopped 'cos he'd just pulled a mussel
The fight rumbled on and the filleters won
in a welter of blood ice and scales
then a big savage mullet got stopped by a bullet
from a gun fired by two killer whales .
The fishmonger bold had the lot of them soled
to a chip shop for better or worse
the mutinous cod got battered and flogged
soused in vinegar salt and brown sauce.
Dont ask me where i've damn well been
dont ask me what i've done
I went back to the slab and I ate the big crab
with the mayo stuffed into the bun.
Don't ask me what I had for my tea
don't ask me what I did
Cos I was still starvin so I ate up the marlin
and followed it down with the squid .